How to Deal with Neck Pain

How to Deal with Neck Pain

If you deal with chronic neck pain, you may have difficulty completing your daily tasks. Some days, it may even be difficult to get out of bed. However, you can take steps to alleviate your discomfort.

Here are a few ways to deal with neck pain:

Use Ice

One of the simplest ways to alleviate neck pain is to put ice on it. Apply an ice pack to your neck several times a day for 20 minutes each time. 

Reduce Stress

It’s not uncommon to experience stress from time to time. However, if your stress starts to take over your life, it can negatively affect many parts of your body, including your neck. Stress can cause tension in your neck muscles, resulting in discomfort.

By reducing your stress levels, you can ultimately reduce your neck pain. For example, consider starting your day with a relaxing activity, like meditation or yoga. If you need extra help at home or at work, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

See a Chiropractor

If you’ve been suffering from chronic neck pain for a while, a chiropractor may be able to help. A chiropractor will use his or her hands to manipulate the muscles and joints in your neck, providing pain relief. The treatment is perfectly safe and can help you feel better. Although you may feel some pressure, you shouldn’t feel any pain during the treatment.

Exercise Most Days of the Week

When you have neck pain, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. However, moving around can actually strengthen the muscles in your neck and prevent stiffness. While you may want to stay away from strenuous exercises, like heavy weightlifting, light exercises can be good for you. 

For instance, you may want to go for a brisk walk or do yoga. Swimming can also be beneficial for neck pain. Water adds buoyancy, which doesn’t put as much stress on your spine.

Be Mindful of How You Use Your Mobile Devices

Believe it or not, many people experience neck pain from looking down at their smartphones and tablets all day. Bending your head down to look at your mobile devices can put stress on your neck over time. To avoid this, hold your mobile device up higher and take breaks often to stretch your neck.

If you have been dealing with neck pain for a while, you should make an appointment with a doctor. Call Ocala Injury Center they can help you.

Recovering from Car Accident Injuries

If you’ve suffered injuries in a car accident, you may be out of commission for months. Whether you endured a back injury or whiplash, it’s important to take your recovery seriously. Here are several ways to get back on your feet.

Seek Medical Care Promptly

Even if you feel fairly fine after a car accident, you should still seek emergency medical care as soon as possible. Some injuries, like whiplash, don’t always present symptoms immediately. If you don’t address them promptly, they may get worse over time and cause chronic pain in the future. A doctor will properly diagnose your injury and recommend the appropriate treatment plan.

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Your doctor will create a treatment plan to help you completely recover from your injury. Although the healing process may seem like a long time, be patient and follow your doctor’s advice. Your doctor has your best interests in mind and wants you to heal as quickly as possible. 

For example, if you suffered a back injury, your doctor may advise seeing a chiropractor instead of getting surgery. If you don’t think certain parts of your treatment plan are working, don’t stop following the plan. Discuss your concerns with your doctor and see if he or she can come up with alternative treatment options. 

Eat a Nutritious Diet

When you’re recovering from your injury, it may be tempting to eat pizza, chips and other junk foods on the couch. However, in order for your body to fully recover from your injury, you have to feed it nutritious foods. Plan to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and chicken. 

Additionally, remember to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated will help your body repair muscle and tissue damage.

Get Enough Rest

If you’re dealing with a car accident injury, it becomes especially important to get adequate rest. When you sleep, your body has the chance to repair muscle and tissue damage. Aim to get about eight hours of sleep at night. To help you fall asleep easier, avoid caffeine at night and do something relaxing before bedtime, like reading a book. If you feel tired during the day, don’t hesitate to take a nap.

Move Around

Although you want to take it easy during your recovery, there’s nothing wrong with moving your body around. Physical activity can help you avoid stiffness and recover quicker. However, you should speak to your doctor before starting an exercise routine. He or she will know when your body is ready. Start slowly and stop immediately if you feel pain.

If you were recently injured in a car accident, seek medical treatment. Call at Ocala Injury Center today!

What You Should Know About Whiplash

Whiplash is a neck injury that results when your head suddenly moves backward and forward. If you recently suffered this injury, it’s important to get medical attention promptly. Here are some important facts you should know about whiplash.

Symptoms Aren’t Always Present Immediately

One of the most interesting facts about whiplash is that you may not notice any symptoms right away. You may feel perfectly okay initially. A few days later, however, you may start to feel pain. If you were recently in an accident, you should see a doctor right away to see if you suffered whiplash or not.

Whiplash Doesn’t Just Occur from Car Accidents

It’s true that many cases of whiplash occur during vehicle collisions. However, you can suffer this injury from other types of accidents too. If you suffered a slip and fall accident or sports accident, for example, a doctor should check you for signs of whiplash.

Seniors Have a Higher Risk of Suffering Whiplash

The older you are, the more likely you are to suffer whiplash. Your joints, muscles and tissue can deteriorate as you age, making you more susceptible to this injury. Seniors are more likely to suffer serious side effects from whiplash than their younger counterparts.

Neck Pain Isn’t the Only Symptom

Neck pain is the most common symptom associated with whiplash, but it isn’t the only symptom. You may also experience tingling in your arms, headaches, dizziness, jaw pain, shoulder pain, neck stiffness, and muscle spasms.

It’s Helpful to Stay Active

When you’re dealing with whiplash, exercising might be the last thing on your mind. However, moving around can actually help you recover faster. If you stay immobile after your injury, your neck can become stiffer. Ask your doctor about the types of exercises you can do.

It Doesn’t Take Much Force to Get a Whiplash Injury

The majority of whiplash injuries during car accidents occur at low speeds. If you weren’t properly restrained in the vehicle, you are more likely to suffer this injury.

There Are Several Available Treatment Options

Luckily, you can treat whiplash in several different ways. For example, your doctor may want you to wear a cervical collar to temporarily be able to immobilize the neck while it heals. Spinal manipulation or mobilization may also be able to restore the muscles in your neck.

If you have suffered whiplash during an accident, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Contact Ocala Injury Center today!